Friday, December 20, 2019

Inner Hamsa

You can’t blame your folks anymore

Erase all your files        release pressure

                     وما اجمل النظر الى العالم من بعدها

Eyes glazed      pupils blank      very present

                   والأيادي مغرومة ومغرورة ومرغوبة

 ومرتفعتا مثل النسر المغامر

Gliding through buttery clouds

                    Over a sooty and golden horizon

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Fumes of migration
A diversion
Away they take me
Stretching to a past
Never forgotten they make me
Define me

Stories with familiar faces
Road trips to unusual places
Lines mapped in my eyes
Entries to my aching insides
Routes to a heart
Labyrinths to a mind
& what truly remains
Are fading impressions
Made in pure stardust
Receding beyond
The illusory mask
Of her material sanctuary…

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Death by Poetry (Part II)

طاردتك اليوم
لأربع ساعات
My chest wanders helplessly
محاولا ان يشهق من الهواء كل عطرك
As it remains silent and ironic
لا طالما أردت ان أسالك
For whom the bell tolls?

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Writing Corpse

Crickets annoy her a lot,
Or just as much as the other person.

Her mind a ruffle, an ostrich’s back
When its head is buried in the cold sand.

Can you tell me a story?

Adam and Eve were smoking
With the birds and the snakes
When nudity was not embarrassing or perverted.

Isomorphic tentacles come back around
So pay attention you must act
Before you can say I’m sorry.

Organic horrible smells green
A stream of paradise is never upside down
But still lifts the maple glaze from the color of her eyes.

It is no surprise we head for demise
When the solar winds etch your skin to wrinkles
When the canal of your youth is halfway there.

You continue swimming
Butterfly or backstrokes breaststrokes
You won’t have a stroke
Don’t you worry, keep on swimming
Into water you shall return
Drip drop drippity drop
Until your knees fail to carry you through
Rather bleak won’t you say?

What you want is what I want too
An integral space
For dreams & random dots
For drifting in love
When no one is watching.

As deep as my breath
Her eyelashes stretch in electric cables dispatch
Possessive currents of temptation
Singing lusty lyrics
To his breathing skeleton.


Thursday, August 1, 2019


It is not the love of the father
That beckons me
It is the defeat of his soul
As it soars over cloud #9

It is unreachable when it has cut
All its ties with the bloodline
With those that feed him charity
To survive

Narcissistic you tell me since I was young
& in every hour of need
He is not to be found
For it hides in the crevices of the bleeding heart
Only to come out
When it needs pennies for its selfish throbbing

Imagine that you are fatherless
Throw away your paternal burdens
For you do not look anything like him
Even though you have his nose and acrobatic charisma


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Two icedcaps to go

Motion sickness to gravity
when a heart in the clouds
feeds on sweet breath
between sharing lower lips
and tender flesh

Words have to rest a while
as moist curiosity
takes a chance to twirl 
in seconds divine

masks are hardly

  The breeze from the rushing train Still brushes my long hair Still gives a moment of surrender   Masks are hardly Breathable Y...